There are countless ways to get involved in this work and struggle, including simply talking openly to your friends, family and neighbors about the profound need for far-reaching, fundamental change in this country’s criminal justice policies. Below you will find the contact information for organizations who would eagerly welcome your participation and support. There are hundreds of things we all can do to push this change forward (like calling or writing legislators, holding informational sessions inside the walls, sending postcards, attending one-time rallies and events, etc.).
The Coalition to Abolish Death By Incarceration (CADBI)CADBI is working to bring about an end to life without parole and other harsh sentencing practices in PA. If you are currently incarcerated, get involved by writing to us at CADBI c/o Decarcerate PA, PO Box 40764, Philadelphia PA 19107. If you or your loved ones on the outside are interested in getting involved, CADBI currently meets on the third Wednesday of every month at Project Home from 6:30-8:30 PM. Get in touch at and by phone at 267-606-0324 to confirm the next meeting time and location. |
Decarcerate PADecarcerate PA is a grassroots campaign working to end mass incarceration in Pennsylvania. Decarcerate PA demands that PA stop building prisons, reduce the prison population, and reinvest money in our communities. There are many ways to become involved in Decarcerate’s efforts. Visit their website at or get in touch at and by phone at 267-217-3372. Individuals on the inside can sign up to receive their quarterly newsletter (which includes featured action steps in every issue) by writing to Decarcerate PA, PO Box 40764, Philadelphia PA 19107. |
Let’s Get Free: The Women and Trans Prisoner Defense CommitteeLet’s Get Free is a group in Western Pennsylvania that has come together to fight for the freedom of Avis Lee and Charmaine Pfender. These two cases are representative of many women incarcerated throughout the country. Charmaine and Avis are both sentenced to death by incarceration and the journey for their lib- eration is connected to the broader movement for transformative justice and healing. While Let’s Get Free is currently focused on two cisgender women, they believe prisons are a form of violence against women & trans people and want to work with and support as many people as possible within their capacity. They meet in Pittsburgh on the 2nd Monday of each month. Contact them by phone at 412-932-7786 or by email at LetsGetFreePA@ or visit |