“To end death-by-incarceration (DBI) in PA, people would have to see and talk with men and women serving these sentences in order to dispel all the myths. Awareness will have to be raised about the costs, both monetarily and in human potential. It will take a total upheaval of the mindset in our society that the answer to every problem is banishment—throwing it away where we no longer have to look at it or deal with it.”
Felix Rosado
Felix Rosado is cofounder and co-coordinator of Let’s Circle Up, a restorative justice project based at Graterford State Prison. Originally from Reading, PA, he has been fighting a death by incarceration sentence since 1995. He also co-coordinates the Alternatives to Violence Project and is a member of the Inside-Out Graterford Think Tank. In 2016, he earned his Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies degree from Villanova University. He is an advisor to Decarcerate PA, as well as to Eastern State Penitentiary’s Prisons Today Exhibit and Returning Citizens Tour Guide Program. As a member of Right 2 Redemption (a founding organization of the Coalition to Abolish Death by Incarceration) and Lifelines, he seeks to end the practice of caging humans until death.